The 13th Workshop on Nanoscale and Mesoscopic Systems

"Mesoscopics Meets Quantum Optics"
Dec 16--17, 2005

At the present workshop, we provide three lectures in the fields of quantum optics and atomic physics rather than in the more conventional condensed-matter mesoscopic physics. Ever since the birth of quantum mechanics, quantum optics has lead research frontiers seaking for the unique quantum nature of matter, in particular, the interplay between the coherence of the matter and the nonlocality of the quantum theory. With the recent developments of nanotechnology, researchers in mesoscopic physics have revealed fascinating coherence phenomena and nonlocal effects of electronic matters in solid-state systems. Quantum optics, atomic physics, and mesoscopic physics shares many common interests in their endeavor for the new fundamental physics and technological applications of quantum matters. We therefore believe that this workshop will give a good opportuity to enhance the mutual exchange of knowledges, research activities, and hopefully collaborations. For this workshop, three lectuerers, all well-known experts in quantum optics and/or atomic physics have kindly accepted our invitation. We thank them very much.


Prof. Kulik, Sergei P. (Moscow State University) 
Spontaneous parametric down conversion: From fundamental research to application in spectroscopy, metrology and quantum information 

Dr. Noh, Tae-Gon (ETRI)
Quantum Interferometry with Photons (Part I) 

Prof. Zubairy, Suhail (Texas A&M)
Atomic Coherence and Applications