The 27th Workshop on Mesoscopic and Nanoscale Systems

"Information is Physical: Mesoscopic Fluctuation, Information, and Nonequilibrium "
November 21(Fri)-22(Sat), 2014
POSCO International Center (PIC), POSTECH

Pekola, Jukka (Aalto University, Finland)
  Non-equilibrium, fluctuations and information in mesoscopic electric circuits (Lecture Note1, Lecture Note2)
    Introduction to thermal and statistical properties of mesoscopic circuits
    Application of stochastic thermodynamics to mesoscopic circuits, including information and feedback (theory and experiments)
    Quantum thermodynamics in superconducting circuits

Ueda, Masahito (University of Tokyo, Japan)
  Introduction to Information Thermodynamics  (Lecture Note1, Lecture Note2)
    A brief review of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics
    A brief review of information theory and measurement theory
    Nonequilibrium equalities and inequalities under feedback control

Dahlsten, Oscar (Oxford University, UK)
  Single-shot statistical mechanics and its relation to fluctuation theorems  (Lecture Note)
    Single-shot information theory
    Single-shot statistical mechanics
    Relation to fluctuation theorems
