"Kondo effects in quantum dots and mesoscopic systems"
2003년 6월 13일 (금) -- 6월 14일 (토)
Korea Institute for Advanced Study
Invited Speakers
Dr. Kang, Kicheon (ETRI), "Kondo Effect and Phase-Coherent Transport in Quantum Dots" (Lecture Note)
Dr. Kim, Tae-Suk (SNU), "Kondo Effects in Mesoscopic Systems"
Prof. Eom, Jonghwa (Sejong Univ), "Kondo Efffects in Mesoscopic Systems" (Lecture Note)
2003년 6월 13일 (금) -- 6월 14일 (토)
Korea Institute for Advanced Study
Invited Speakers
Dr. Kang, Kicheon (ETRI), "Kondo Effect and Phase-Coherent Transport in Quantum Dots" (Lecture Note)
Dr. Kim, Tae-Suk (SNU), "Kondo Effects in Mesoscopic Systems"
Prof. Eom, Jonghwa (Sejong Univ), "Kondo Efffects in Mesoscopic Systems" (Lecture Note)